Arkansas defines theft as an act where a person knowingly takes or exercises unauthorized control over or makes an unauthorized transfer of an interest in the property of another person with the purpose of depriving the owner of the property; or if a person knowingly obtains the property of another person by deception or by threat with the purpose of depriving the owner of the property.
The severity of the charge can vary depending on the property stolen. If you were charged with a theft crime, it is important to seek qualified legal counsel who will aggressively defend your rights.
Types of theft crimes include:
Convictions for theft can have devastating consequences, including jail time, monetary fines, probation, and trouble finding gainful employment in the future. It even impacts how a person's testimony will be received in other unrelated cases. Don’t be afraid to put the skills of an experienced Centerton criminal defense attorney on your side. Lucas Law Firm is here to help. We diligently represent clients in the northwest Arkansas area who are facing these charges. For strong legal representation when you need it most, call us today.
The classification and punishment of theft crimes are generally determined by the value of the property that was allegedly stolen. The potential penalties a theft defendant is facing depends on what class of offense the state is seeking conviction on.
Please call us at (479) 372-1777 if you cannot find an answer to your question.
If you have been or are about to be charged with a theft crime you need to contact our office immediately for a free consultation. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand your rights and ensure you have the best opportunity to obtain a positive outcome.
You are not required to talk to the police and should exercise your right to remain silent until you can talk with an experienced criminal defense attorney. The police will most likely take you into custody and are required to inform you of your right to remain silent and to obtain legal representation.
A lawyer can raise many traditional defenses on your behalf depending on the facts of your case, including that purported evidence was unconstitutionally obtained. Also, a defendant has a defense if there was an honest belief that he or she had the legal right to maintain ownership over the allegedly stolen property.
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